I'm too tired for this shit.
So my brain melted. I worked over 60 hours last week because we fired someone and can't get anyone in to replace her. I need some fucking time off. I got out of my second shift in the lab tonight and left the office a full hour early. I had such high hopes for today, too. I have papers to write, an apartment to clean, a Banana to cuddle mercilessly, twenty-odd pounds to elliptical-away at the gym and [ironically, subsequently?] a weeks worth of cookies to bake.
More like. An hour of Zelda, fifteen minutes of standing on a rickety chair in my kitchen, peering into the dark cabinets above my oven and realizing that I am forced to go *without* cookies seeing as how I can create NOTHING EDIBLE with rice crispies, coconut milk and molasses. Follow with another forty minutes staring at the lake outside my patio, desperately trying to figure out - somehow - how long it would take pasta to cook if I simmered it in the actual sauce.
I really want to cook the pasta in the sauce.
...like I'll actually even make sauce...
More like. An hour of Zelda, fifteen minutes of standing on a rickety chair in my kitchen, peering into the dark cabinets above my oven and realizing that I am forced to go *without* cookies seeing as how I can create NOTHING EDIBLE with rice crispies, coconut milk and molasses. Follow with another forty minutes staring at the lake outside my patio, desperately trying to figure out - somehow - how long it would take pasta to cook if I simmered it in the actual sauce.
I really want to cook the pasta in the sauce.
...like I'll actually even make sauce...
hmmm, i don't really like how much i can relate to this. it's like you are describing my life. exactly.
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