inveil: round three, mofo.

Lather. Rinse. Repent.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Because I am too tired for anything aside from a disjointed list:

  • It's been four days now since I've helped/seen/imprisoned any homeless people. I guess the word is out and they're all avoiding my neighborhood.

  • Yesterday at work we were forced into a two-tech/ 25-exam day. We usually have at least four girls and do somewhere in the neighborhood of 12-20 exams. My brain is mush. Last night, as I was closing, an angry woman who was upset about her husband's long wait for the doctor came in and started yelling at me. She wouldn't leave. She kept HALF-leaving and then turning around and running back - shaking and obviously fighting back tears, saying over and over 'YOU JUST CAN'T TREAT PEOPLE THIS WAY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?!' I was so exhausted from my Day From Hell, I giggled through the whole thing. Had to try extremely hard not to answer her I'm not coming back here ever again with a Do you see the THOUSANDS of files behind me do you REALLY think I give a shit - I get paid the same. Was successfull. Subsequently, am not fired.

  • I'm moderately happy because I only have to do three things today: Vaccuum, upload all the pictures from my best friend's wedding, and two months of schoolwork that I've been putting off since MAY.

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