inveil: round three, mofo.

Lather. Rinse. Repent.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Dangerous waters.

Right outside our patio there is a lake. Or a pond/drainage area/unofficial waste treatment center. Whatever you want to call it. It's nice, especially at night, when I can sit on my patio and watch the lights reflect on the water. Very relaxing. The Banana adores it, as the Pond provides her with a near-endless supply of ducks and geese to bark her little [it IS a little undersized] head off and occasionally rush right through the screen door, taking it all the way off of its little track-wheels. We even have a couple herons who live on the pond. SO WHATEVER, IT'S NICE. Anyways. I was somewhat disturbed to come home after running errands to find what appears to be a disembodied floating crocodile head with glowing eyes on a string hanging out in the middle of the water. It doesn't really look like a toy, so I can only assume that it's a tool of some sort, but I can't even begin to fathom what its purpose could be. I mean. It could be one of those floating pool-cleaners, or something, but. It would take about a million of those to clean the scuzzy, moss-green waters of our beloved pond. And. As I can deduce by a quick glance at the bottom of my shoes, it sure as hell isn't scaring the geese away.


Blogger Katherine Murray said...

a radio controlled aligator head? a leftover miniature float from some chinese new year parade? whatever it is, it totally insane. I think you should write a letter to mandi (on flourescent paper) telling her to keep her crap out of your lake.

8:34 PM  
Blogger K. Hanley said...

That Blogger tool to upload images is super nice isn't it?

8:53 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

God, it looks like it's trying to attract ACTUAL CROCODILES.


9:59 PM  

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