inveil: round three, mofo.

Lather. Rinse. Repent.

Friday, November 18, 2005

[I think I made you up inside my head]

Tony and I have a tiny little bit of extra money and we've decided to buy ourselves a present. I've been running through the mile-long list of Things That I Want all day, trying to figure out what the perfect present would be. First, I wanted a PSP but had to deal with the realization that I can't have one right now because I would hide it from Tony and never let him touch it and that would be UNFAIR. Tony wants an Xbox [he swears he didn't say actually say this - probably because I threatened his life the second it escaped his lips]. We thought about a television that would be large enough to allow us to read subtitles and see facial expressions, but.
Christ that's dull.

Since our less-than-ordinary courtship, we've both been really attached to a certain Plath poem, Mad Girl's Love Song. Melodramatic as it is, I think it's beautiful. In one of my crackhead-manic-I-CAN-DO-ANYTHING phases, I'd decided to teach myself latin and I started by trying to translate that poem. I'd mail him little snippets of it scrawled inside Brian Andreas greeting cards. God knows why he continued to correspond to - let alone marry me - after that, but he did. And now every time we come across a little Plath, we both get a little misty eyed.

So that's it! I thought. Tattoos! OHMYGOD Plath tattoos!

I know it's terribly cheesy. But I only want the first verse and I'll probably do it in another language so nobody can read it and make fun of me. Us. Because I'm gonna make him get one, too.


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