inveil: round three, mofo.

Lather. Rinse. Repent.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Breaking up is hard to do.

I'm six weeks pregnant, due September 23rd. Tony and I had tried for months, so it came as a total shock a couple of weeks ago when I found out. I thought I just had the flu, but I took a test anyway. The line was so tiny and faint - barely visible. We took three more tests, two with the same result and one digital one that just flashed PREGNANT. So, I've been to the doctor but my first real, pregnant-lady visit is in February, two days before my birthday. It's amazing how excited my family is. This baby is going to be the first grandchild/ great grandchild in all the American families, so I keep getting tearful phone calls from grandmothers hundreds of miles away, demanding to be told the EXACT MOMENT labor starts, because they're driving to the hospital. Oh, and I now have roughly eight people planning my baby shower. six weeks.

It's funny, though, how major life changes like this can bring the worst out in your friends. I've decided that if you can't even PRETEND to be happy for me, then I don't need you around. This is going to be hard enough without worrying what YOUR problem is. Seriously.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is -so- fuckingawesome... sorry 'bout the cussword, pregnantlady... but i'm happy for you...

2:24 AM  

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